
Little things excite me, be it a good romantic book or a cup of tea in the middle of the day. There are a great many exciting things I can do out in the world however I am enjoying the time I am with myself and my thoughts. For the past 10 years, this blog has been nothing less than a great companion. I have been writing, though inconsistently, all my thoughts and anecdotes. But small changes are inevitable from time to time.

Welcome to my blog where I talk about the ‘Mundane & The Marvelous’ experiences, anecdotes & thoughts from my humble life. I hope the topics spark a conversation, make you smile, and even turn to be something food for thought!

24 thoughts on “About

    1. Well that’s a pleasure to me da. But right now Being Local is not active. I’m planning to upgrade, give it more promotions and getting it out to more readers featuring budding celebrities. First of all its under construction as website. So let that be done then we will start afresh and introduce you to our team okay?.. It will take time but we will definitely 🙂 We need artist for cartoon and designing works!

  1. Hello Uma,
    I nominated you in my blog entry: Real Neat Blog Award Q&A. You don’t have to follow the instructions, however I am interested in knowing the answers I ask all the nominees. Again, only if you want! Thank you and Neat Blog 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Rose 🙂 I will answer to all of those questions soon! Thanks again and congrats to you for winning it already.

  2. Howdy good to meet you and to read your posts. I sense creativity and talent from what I read. Will come back again. Cheers and have a nice day 🙂

  3. Glad to have come across your blog. Looking forward to read some of your blogs. I like the calm introduction, so here you go.


  4. Hello Uma,
    Good blog with some good stories .
    Glad to have found this.
    Also, we are building a platform for short stories. This will help the upcoming writers like you to reach out to masses and even make money.
    We have a live website up. Do check it out and if your are interested, do reach out to us.

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